About us
Dear Friend--WELCOME.
Our Story...Calvary was founded In 1923 by Rockford's Trinity Lutheran Church, at the urging of P.A. Peterson, who wanted an English-speaking church for his many employees. Our first pastor was Melvin C. Smith, who graduated from the Moody Bible Institute. Pastor Smith had a remarkable outreach to the poor of the neighborhood. He would get day-old bread and skim milk, which was discarded in those days, and distribute them to everyone. He would have 40 children in confirmation classes. Pastor Smith resigned in 1938 to found Rockford's Bethlehem Lutheran Church. In 1990 Calvary came under the Northern Illinois Synod's care until Rev. Ken Mercx became pastor in 1995. Dr. Chuck Olson began ministry on June 17th, 2001. Today Calvary celebrates our life together, neighborhood outreach - and our strong tradition of faithful, beautiful music. On June 5, 2016 we will be worshipping at our new location in the Chapel of Emmanuel Lutheran Church located at 920 3rd Ave, Rockford Il. 61104
Calvary Lutheran Church Council members
Dr. Chuck Olson - Pastor
Randy Calvert - President
Roberta Calvert - Secretary
Lisa Dunaway - Financial Secretary
Dave Dunaway - Council
Patty Lund - Treasurer
John Lund - Council
Terri Ekberg - Council
Ron Johnson - Council